Digital Citizenship Contract (from Dr. Lori Holcomb's ECI 517)
DIGITAL CITIZEN CONTRACT -- As a citizen of the digital world, I agree to the following standards in order to keep the digital world a place where students, parents, and teachers can work together: To treat everyone online the way that I wish to be treated; To remember that there is a human being sitting at the computer, and they should be treated with the same respect as if they were sitting in the same room; To make sure that my grammar does not affect the content of my work; To carefully choose my tone while online; To give credit to all online sources I use; To carefully evaluate my sources, not everything I read online is the truth; To ask permission to use the internet and will report anything inappropriate I find to an adult I trust; To give credit to all online sources I use; To use discretion when posting personal information on the internet in order to protect my privacy;
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