

Page history last edited by Bethany Smith 15 years, 11 months ago



What is a Moodle?


Moodle Logo


Moodle is an Open Source CMS that is available for free via download from moodle.org.  It is easily customized and has a large array of add-ons that can meet individual needs. Moodle can also be used as your class home page with only certain elements password protected.  Moodle is PHP based which allows for editing the page, both content and layout wise online. In fact, according to moodle.org there are currently 40,021 moodle sites with 17,084,794 users!


What is a CMS?


Course Management Systems (CMS) allow for educators to organize their course information in an online format without the need for web design experience.


Why would I want to use a Moodle?

A CMS can be a valuable tool in your teaching toolkit.  It can house all your course material in one location, your assignments and gradebook, as well as provide interactive tools for your students.


How do I create a Moodle?

There are two main ways to start using Moodle. 


1) You can either use someone else's Moodle space. 

2) You can download the Moodle Package and Install it on your current Web Server


Installation is VERY easy




What is a block?

Moodle is driven by the use of “blocks.”  You can add and remove blocks to create the look and feel of your site as well as drive content.  There are traditional CMS blocks such as Announcements, but you can also add RSS feeds, Blog Tags, or HTML code.  The community of Moodle has created many different add-on blocks to choose from to meet your needs.

An add-in and plug-in database is available at: http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?id=6009


What is a theme?

Moodle themes are what dictate the look and feel of your moodle site.  There are a few themes in the basic download, and much more created by the user community.  However, it is very easy to create your own theme by editing the CSS of the standard theme.


Who is using Moodle?






What are people using Moodle for?


Personal Web Pages



Moodle Presentations


How is Moodle different?

The Art of Instant Moodles
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: moodle)



Moodle Video Tutorials

MoodleMan Blog

The BEST Blog of Moodle Tips & Tricks with instructions on how to run your own Moodle Server



My Moodle Bookmarks: http://del.icio.us/bethanyvsmith/moodle

Handout moodle.pdf


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